Saturday, December 22, 2007

" seems we just get started and before you know it, comes the time we have to say, so long..."

#22 I cannot believe that this is truly the end of our lessons! What a journey! This was truly a learning experience for me. Having no other "library experience" other than my job and using the library for taking out books, etc. , I never would have thought that there was so much out there in cyberland! It has actually been a fun experience for me--learning how to create a blog in the first place was in itself a learning exp. Adding new and different ways to get information was certainly fun, but very time consuming. I honestly could spend so much more time, than I actually ever have, on doing this type of exploration. I realize what I have missed in the past 18 yrs. of having not been in school and keeping up with the technology out there. I have to say that it was intimidating in many ways to see what is out there and then try, for myself, to learn about these things--technorati, for example. I still cannot say I am "educated" in many of the things we tapped into, but it is a start.
What a thrill to finally be able to actually be able to add my booklist, videos and thoughts as well as share websites, etc. with people right from my own blog. When I actually was able to create things like the chocolate or add a simple picture--it gave me a good feeling. My colleagues were VERY supportive and helpful. We were all able to speak about how far we were in our lessons and help each other out --getting to know our likes/dislikes along the way. I think in many ways, it has brought us closer as a staff to be able to share in this project. It was so much fun to see and experience all of the blog postings that we created!
If we were ever able to embark on such a learning project again, I think it would be a positive experience. Yes, it was difficult, time-wise. I had to do much of this at home, but was able to use the e-learning center many times with my "partner-in-crime" msdee. We even were able to laugh at ourselves in this project. Learning about tagging, rss feeds, wiki, online generator, and librarything as well as just learning all about blogging were so helpful in my experience with web2.0. Thank you to Jeannie for all of your hard work in helping us at NFL learn 2.0!

faces, spaces and bebo eons...

#21 I have looked at myspace and facebook for a couple of yrs. now with kids that are at that stage in life. One thing that I really did not know about was how very many groups you can join . There are just sooo many groups that one can be part of. I signed up for an account with myspace but never use it for myself. I actually got an account to see what my son was liking about it. I guess it is slightly like having im in the way you can carry on conversations with people. I did take a look at the 3additional sites: bebo, eon, and bookspoke. I really loved
eon! The layout of the site was so easily navigated and "user friendly". I guess that due to the fact that the site is for ages 50 and over, I found it to be terrific- many useful areas on that site to explore. I may have to wait a bit due to the age requirement... I looked into bookspoke and thought that as far as the library goes it would be a useful tool for us to look at--I see that at least one of our staff already utilizes the site! I think that myspace and facebook are so popular due to the ease of use (saves time on the phone) as well as the fact that kids, especially, are attracted to the profile emphasis where you get to talk about yourselves and your likes/dislikes, your favorite things, etc. etc. It builds common ground with people you may not know, etc. Of course, for the young user and the inexperienced, it can also lead to problems that are serious or not, like bullying and even more serious threats.
As far as ease in using these sites with patrons, I think that the library could create its own group which could serve patrons who want to ask questions --general or book/tech related-- add suggestions for buying/purchasing new materials for library, etc. It would have to monitored, but this could benefit the library and our patrons.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

technorati continues...

#12 continued... I finally got back to this site. I went into the popular blog searches and looked up "boing boing" blog (which was the number 1 blog) and others. I then went onto the video section which led me to the latest jib jab video--the looking back on 2007 one. Interesting to learn that you can add yous and your families head pics to one of their videos for fun--following their directions. Interesting thing to do in your "spare time"! Anyway, it was interesting for me to navigate technorati at this late date and find it much easier NOW to do so. I guess it is due to the fact that I have been working on this nfllearns2 for a while now. It was also interesting to note what was considered "popular" sites. I guess everyone has their own interests. The tags were easier than I remember to navigate, also.

flickr, mashups, etc. etc.

#6 I know that I had looked at this before exercise 7, but at that time, the links were not connecting! After that, I forgot to go back and do these things, so now... Anyway, I went onto Bighuge labs and downloaded a picture from my computer of my daughter and a good friend. I had it worked as a disc picture which looked cool. I did not get it onto my blog as I could not figure out how (it seemed that I would have to get it into flickr first, but didn't want to do that. I also did the colr pickr and chose a color field for a particular picture which was neat--liked playing around with that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Breath Of Heaven; The Nativity Story

I love this Amy Grant rendition of this song and the movie! Love sharing this at Christmas time.


Hi, I just discovered this website and think that it is sooo worth a quick look! My cousin in California sent it to me and he just discovered it himself. It is a neat way to say "thanks" to our service men and women who are away serving overseas. It may take a minute of your time, but it is worth it. Thanks for taking note of it! Here is the website in case you do not click on it under my link: I have sent quite a few cards now and it is a good way to send greetings and encouragement.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


#20 I accessed "overdrive" through our library website. Honestly, I never tried that before and was amazed at how many books were on that list! I would probably start out downloading a book to my computer 1st to see how that would work and then onto a mp3. My husband really would love an mp3 , himself, to use on the train to and from work. I think I may work on that one for his birthday and that way he can utilize the library for his audiobooks!! THIS mp3 is already spoken for, unfortunately, as I am giving it , as a gift, to my daughter. Anyway, really neat--glad that I got this far and can use this soon!


#19 Podcasts. What can I say... I know WHAT they are but do not really have the time to do much with it right now. I took a look at Podcast and Podcast. net (which seemed easier for me to navigate). I hope to be able to get to use this soon. I think it would be neat to get a live podcast to watch if I ever get the chance. I think that this is a good tool for someone who is educating themselves in an area where they would be able to visit a live podcast and get their info that way rather than just read about it. well, I lied! I was able to get Dave Ramsey onto my blog. I really enjoy listening to him about money matters! Click on these links and you can listen or read about different topics.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


#18 I already have a youtube account and posted the video about the NFA play to my blog. I do go into youtube once in a while to check out some videos that I have heard about etc. One of my favorites is this gentleman who plays the ukulele. He plays this Beatles tune and I was mesmerized by his talent. I believe he comes from Hawaii. I will try to get this onto my blog for others to see--amazing! I did not know about the other 2 video sites but will look into them.
Check out the ukulele man Jake Shimabukuro after scrolling down on my blog! It is truly beautiful--"When my guitar gently weeps".

web 2.0 awards...

#17 I signed up for the free listening on Pandora and will look into even though I will not be downloading anything into my own computer in these sites. I also looked into which I think I can use. Certainly this could be utilized by library personnel and patrons alike--the fact that they were rated and awarded due to their usefulness, etc. really helps.

web-based apps...

#16 It appears that the 1st three apps are similar in how they work and what you can do with them. I signed up to use the Zoho account and it looks interesting. Yes, it could be useful in that you do not have to have microsoft works to create. The site looks interesting, too and I will look into that more later. so much to do, so little time...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

wiki again...

#15 I did post onto that site and you can read my blog comment there!

wiki, wiki, wiki...

#14 I tried going into all of the sites listed. Interesting--I already knew about wikipedia and used it but didn't know the origins of what a "wiki" was. I would assume that wiki could be a valuable tool for library use.

"cool" icebergs...

#13 I read most of the info under the library 2.0 section. I understood and can comment on the "Away from Icebergs" reading. It was very interesting and I agreed that we, as a library, need to move away from the traditional service/collection mode that we are in presently. It seems that we ARE doing so, slowly, but with the advancement of technology we have to be more proactive when it comes to choosing our "collections" and in educating our patrons in the use of information services. Libraries are becoming more "self-serving" which saddens me in many ways, but we will become extinct if we do not move with technology!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


#12 I tried the site but it was a bit difficult to get involved in. I will attempt to spend more time and effort to use the site and see what it affords me. I DID try to search for "Learning 2.0" and did find useful info in that--esp. in the blog area.


#11 This thing is fun also. I learned a lot about tagging and did this with my rss feeds and my book list. I can see that this could be useful for research and fun, actually. Yes, this is a good way to store your favorites, although I have many favorites in my computer!! Not sure how long it would take me to convert, but it may be worth it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

this librarything...

well, lets see if this library thing works... It was fun getting my library thing account and choosing some favorites to put on my shelf!

imagining images...

I did task #9 and posted a wonderful bar of chocolate to my blog. I cannot look at it too much as it is just too tempting!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

trying to get into nfllearns...

I have been trying to work on my blog/tasks but this computer will not allow me to get into that site! I have been trying to do this for aprox. 1/2 hour, to no avail. I was able to post to my blog but could not get the info I needed from nfllearns! Oh, well. I may try again tomorrow--there is ALWAYS tomorrow...

#7 again..."FEED ME SEYMOUR!"

I feel very satisfied that I was able to add feeds to my email (rcls) account--10 different feeds in all. That is not to say that I can view each one each day, but I can view them anytime I open my email--so convenient. Very satisfying venture!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

mmmm.... chocolate

#9 online image generator

yes, I would really enjoy one of these right now!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

To Kill A Mockingbird

NFA Fall production YouTube ad

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

#7 so many feeds, so little time...

I am still attempting to find new rss feeds. I love how some people have added interesting links , feeds and videos to their blogs. I hope to one day be able to do that also! My almost 17 yr. old thinks it is just "CRAZY" that Mom has a blog-- she doesn't have one, herself! I guess I can say that I am "one-upping" her in this category.

Monday, October 15, 2007

about RSS "feeding"...

well, I thoroughly enjoyed this task! I enjoyed it a little TOO much, if you ask me! That means that I spent aprox. 2 hours, too long on this one. I still have not investigated all of the info and possible feeds that I could add to my email account but still had fun adding what I did--6 feeds. I am not sure how to add them to this blog yet, but I am hoping someone will help me through it.

I can see that this will make it easier for me to get my news, etc. in a more concise fashion. This would also help web user patrons if they ever have questions about the RSS feeds---so much info out there in cyberland!! glad I got the time to do this and now on to bed... good night and God bless!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

finally able to muse again...

After a slow start (no time or space to work on it...) I found my notes from the 7 1/2 habits and a little time (home sick). If I only had a few days to just sit and listen to the silence, my mind would be free to travel a bit. Anyway, the habit I find easiest is seeing problems as challenges-habit # 3. I learned that habit quite a few years ago and believe that I CAN be successful at seeing my problems in that way. The habit I believe is the most difficult for me is sometimes having confidence in myself as a effective learner-habit # 4. I think that is WHY I can see my problems as challenges--- I may not be successful at solving the problem but I can work on it and see it as a challenge (there is always HOPE...). I am working on the confidence thing so that is promising. Also, I do not always have the time to develop the "toolbox" that I need to work on the goal- habit #5. Eventually I may get there but at this time in my life, I have limited time to work on it.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

There is a 1st time for everything...

This is the first musing on this blog that I have created. I feel like Eliza Doolittle and hopefully "I think I got it". We'll see with my next task.